Which formulas does MeetDistrict offer?

MeetDistrict offers packages to which one or more Memberships are linked and packages which are accessible to external parties.

Members are bound to the Membership, the Flex-package, the VirtualOffice-package, the Token Volume-package, the SharedOffice-package and/or the PrivateOffice-package.

The formulas for external parties are tailor-made and depend on the specific needs of the client; be it for meet or event.


1. Membership: independent access to all MeetDistrict sites during office hours with the MeetDistrict application

2. VirtualOffice-package: social and/or commercial address on one of our sites, 24/7 access to all MeetDistrict sites

3. Flex-package: unlimited use of FlexSpaces and 24/7 access to all MeetDistrict sites

4. Token Pack: use of FlexSpaces and/or MeetBoxes based for a certain amount of Tokens, shared by several team members and 24/7 access to all MeetDistrict locations

5. SharedOffice-package: your own DedicatedDesk in a shared office space and 24/7 access to all MeetDistrict locations

6. PrivateOffice-package: your own office and 24/7 access to all MeetDistrict sites

External parties

1. Meet: external customers can book MeetBoxes directly on the website or by contacting the FrontDesk and agreeing to a tailor-made offer

2. Event: external customers can organise their event at MeetDistrict by contacting the FrontDesk and agreeing to a tailor-made offer

Need more information?

Feel free to contact your Community Host or describe your question via the bell- button in the application. We are happy to help.

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