Which locations does MeetDistrict have?
MeetDistrict has locations in Berchem, Brussels, Ghent and Diegem.
As a MeetDistrict Member you can use your application to gain access to all these locations in order to use the SocialSpaces, FlexSpaces and MeetBoxes.
Interested in a PrivateOffice or a DedicatedDesk in the local SharedOffice at several locations? Feel free to ask your Community Host about this!
1. MeetDistrict Berchem
The Link 2
Posthofbrug 6-8 Bus 5
2600 Berchem
MeetDistrict Brussels, Madou
Avenue de Bisschofsheim 15
1000 Brussels
MeetDistrict Diegem, Airport
Culliganlaan 5
1830 Diegem
MeetDistrict Ghent
Ghelamco Arena
Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808 Bus 300
Ghent, Belgium
Need more information?
Feel free to contact your Community Host or describe your question via the bell-button in the application. We are happy to help.